The first meeting of the newly formed executive committee of WBASI was held on 7th January 2023 at IPGMER Kolkata. This was attended by majority of EC members. Important decisions were taken during the meeting including academics, social activity, publication, website management and subcommittee formation.
This was followed by a get together of WBASI members at the Royal Turf Club. 62 members attended the meeting including members who had come from the far flung districts of Burdwan, Bankura, Midnapore and North Bengal. Six past Chairmans of our chapter were felicitated during the meet.
We were honoured by the gracious presence of our National Ex President and Legal Advisor of ASI, Dr. Shiva Kant Misra among us.
Date.: 13-01-23
The webinar was jointly organised by WBASI and TUGSS India. It was divided into four parts. Dr.V. Jain, Surgical Oncologist from Nashik HCG centre who was also the host began with a nice video on Laparoscopic total gastrectomy. Then the topic of post gastrectomy reconstruction was covered by Dr.Manas Roy from TMC Kolkata. Then Dr.Soumen Das discussed the role of cytoreductive surgery and various intra-peritoneal chemotherapy techniques in gastric cancers with peritoneal metastasis. Finally Dr.Ashutosh Mahapatra from Bhuvaneshwar discussed the endoscopic findings of and methods of detection of early gastric cancer. There were more than 125 attendees and the panellists also discussed some questions at the end.
Date: 4th February , 2023
On 4th February, World Cancer Day members of WBASI displayed a poster showing the warning signs of cancer. Posters were displayed at their Out Patient Departments and patients were made aware about the symptoms and signs. Huge number of members participated in this awareness campaign, not only in Kolkata but also from far flung districts of North Bengal, Purulia, Bankura and Midnapore.
Date: 4th February , 2023
WBASI took part in Nursing Training program through didactic lectures, CBE training and videos. On the 4th of February, Prof Diptendra Sarkar, Chairman WBASI addressed the nursing students of IPGMER Hospital and made them aware regarding the warning signs of cancer, especially breast cancer. The program was attended by more than 200 nursing students and teachers. Photographs attached alongwith.
Date: 4th February , 2023
On the 4th of February 2023 WBASI, along with an organisation named ” Disha for Cancer” conducted a cancer awareness program on World Cancer Day. Disha for cancer is a cancer survivor led organisation and focuses on cancer awareness, survivorship, advocacy and research.
This program was attended by WBASI Chairman Dr Diptendra Sarkar, National EC member Dr Madhumita Mukhopadhyay and many other members. Dr Sarkar motivated the audience to spread awareness and also work towards the rehabilitation of cancer patients. He also inaugurated a book written by journalist Ms Soma Mukherjee on cancer awareness.
Many volunteers from different parts of West Bengal donated their hair as a part of ” Hair donation” campaign . GC member Dr Madhumita Mukhopadhyay spent the afternoon for Survivorship program accepting Hair donation for chemotherapy patients. WBASI co-partnered the event. Some of the photographs attached alongwith.
Date.: 11-02-23
Venue: Summit Room , ITC Royal Bengal , Kolkata
On the 11th of February WBASI chapter organized a Round table meet of expert group on the topic ” Newer Advances in Molecular Biology in Breast Cancer and its Impact in Treatment “. WBASI Chairman Prof Diptendra Sarkar spoke on the topic and acquainted the audience with the discoveries in the field of molecular biology.
The meeting was attended by forty surgeons including five past Presidents and experts from among our members.
Venue: Casa Broadway Hotel, Kolkata
Date: 25th February, 2023
WBASI clinical meeting for the month of March was held at Casa Broadway Hotel, Golpark infront of dignified ASI members starting at 7pm.
There were 5 case presentations, 2 from MCK, 1 each from KPC, SSKM and MRBH, and surgical audit by SSKM.
The list of topics were:
Dr. Aishwarya (MCK)-An unusual case of abdomonal lump: a diagnostic dilemma
Dr. Pradipta(MCK)- An unusual case of pyoperitoneum: etiology searching…
Dr. Purba Bhowmik(kpc)-“A rare case report of partial nephrectomy in a case of complex renal cyst”
Dr. Sayak Palit(SSKM)- A case of traumatic hepatic artery injury
Dr. Lopamudra Bose(SSKM)-Audit on Communication gap between doctors and nursing staff
Dr. Milind Alokjee(MRBH)-A case of synchronous colonic malignancy
The meeting was attended by 62 delegates. The session was well appreciated by the members .
The whole programme was presided by Dr. Bitan Kr. Chattopadhyay, Dr. Gautam Kundu and Dr. Sanjay DeBakshi.
The programme was concluded by a small presentation on constipation and role of polyethylene glycol by Dr. Arkaprovo Roy.
Thanks giving speech was given by Prof.. Dr. D. K. Sarkar( Chairman, WB ASI). Photographs are attached alongwith.
Venue : Narayana RN Tagore Hospital
Date : 26th February, 2023
The Abdominal Wall Reconstruction(AWR) Surgeons community in collaboration with ASI West Bengal has organized an One-Day extensive Live operative Workshop on complex AWR Surgeries. The programme was Lead by Dr. Ramana & other eminent national & international AWR surgeons. Almost 50 delegates from different parts of India has attended the programme. The highlight of the programme was 1st Live demonstration of application of Fasciotens device in complex AWR procedure in South-Eastern Asia. The whole programme was well appreciated by all the delegates & senior faculties of India. ASIWB & AWRSC would like to organize more such workshops in future for the benefits of young aspiring Hernia Surgeons.
Venue: Auditorium, IPGMER&SSKM Hospital , Kolkata
DATE: 10 th and 11 th March 2023
West Bengal Chapter of ASI conducted a modular course for the post graduate trainees for two days on 10 th and 11 th March 2023. This course is conducted by WBASI every year and is followed by the Smt Uma Rani Saha Memorial Medal examination for the PGTs. The venue was IPGMER&SSKM Hospital. The course was attended by 206 postgraduate trainees from both MS and DNB courses from all over the state. The course covered all aspects of their final exams including long cases, short cases, ward rounds, X Ray's, instruments and oral questions.
Venue: Maipith, Sunderbans
Date: 7th April, 2023
On the occasion of World Health Day on 7th April 2023, The West Bengal Chapter Of The Association Of Surgeons Of India , is going to organise a Medical Camp with special focus on cancer awareness and detection , for the under privileged people of Sundarban (cluster of low-lying islands in the Bay of Bengal famous for its unique mangrove forests) in collaboration Sri Ramkrishna Ashram, Nimpith.
Celebrating world health day on 7th April, our team of 11 senior surgeons along with paramedics and Nimpith Sri Ramkrishna Ashram Health unit participated in this programme. The camp was held in a remote area called Maipith in the Sunderbans (cluster of low-lying islands in the Bay of Bengal famous for its unique mangrove forests).
It started with a talk for the local people by Dr Arnab Gupta on cancer awareness which was very informative. We checked more than 200 patients. Free blood sugar checkup and ECG services were also offered. We also gave medicines prescribed in the camp. Some patients requiring operations were assured free services at Diamond Harbour Medical College / M R Bangur hospital. The whole day was spent fruitfully. Sadananda Maharaj of Nimpith Sri Ramkrishna Ashram accompanied us to this remote area of Sunderbans.
The Association of Surgeons of India was established in 1938 to realise a long-standing wish among Indian surgeons to get together for the purpose of sharing each other’s experiences and enhancing their surgical skills.
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